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  • Region Laos - [lao]    Query Definition     Keyword search (slow)
    Select events and geographic units, and set the options that specify the disasters you want to query:
     Disaster type    Province    District    Village    Cause
    Use Ctrl-Click and/or Shift-Click to deselect or for multiple selections. If no selections are made, all items will be selected.
    NOTE: Selections of District have precedence over selections of Province
    Select only events with:
    Deaths... Injured...
    Houses Destroyed... Houses Damaged...
    Directly affected... Indirectly Affected...
    Evacuated... Relocated...
    Hospitals... Missing...
    Damages in roads Mts... Damages in crops Ha....
    Lost Cattle... Education centers...
    Select events that affected:
     Water supply  Sewerage
     Health sector  Education
     Industries  Transportation
     Communications  Power and Energy
     Relief  Agriculture
     Other sectors
      Date range: (YYYY MM DD)
    From:       To:       GLIDEnumber

    Expert Selection   
    Sort results by     Hits per page  

    The Ethiopia Disaster Damage and Loss Database is hosted by National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) of the Government of Ethiopia in partnership with United Nations Development Programme.
